Free Click Armor Trial

Arm Your Employees to Fight Phishing and Social Engineering Attacks Today.

Protect Your Business with Click Armor

Gamified security awareness training platform

80% Greater knowledge retention than traditional awareness training


Comprehensive phishing, social engineering and remote worker modules

Designed by leading security and gamification experts

Get started with your free trial now by completing the form below.


Gamified Security Awareness Training for Motivated Learning

Experience gamified challenges with real-world impact. With a free trial, you’ll see how Click Armor’s motivated learning goes well beyond points, badges and leaderboards, to reinforce good behaviors.

Customer Feedback

I have just completed the security awareness training. I think your e-learning/gaming platform is a lot of fun and a bit addictive. There is a competition going on in the office to see who can get the highest score, and I learned a lot along the way.

Jonathan Ruano

Business Analyst, Invest Ottawa