Gamified HIPAA Compliance Awareness

If your business is a supplier to a healthcare provider in the USA or Canada, your team needs to know what to do to protect Protected Health information (PHI).

Do your employees know how to protect PHI?

HIPAA Compliance isn’t just about having technical security safeguards in place. Your team needs to know what policies and procedures apply, and when. The Click Armor HIPAA Compliance Gamified Awareness module not only provides self-paced, online training, but employees will be engaged to actually know what to do in given circumstances.

In this module employees will learn:

  • How to recognize PHI
  • How to authenticate requests for information from cardholders
  • How to ensure PHI is protected when stored
  • How to protect PHI when it is being transmitted
  • How to handle any suspicious situations or security incidents
  • Consequences and penalties for non-compliance
Users are placed in realistic threat scenarios and asked to make choices. They are rewarded or given feedback accordingly.
Click Armor’s email simulation provides common situations where employees need to identify potentially risky inquiries.
To motivate users through friendly competition, Click Armor provides a dashboard showing how individuals are performing relative to their peers. And administrators can check on the team’s participation, compliance and proficiency.

Find out how Click Armor can provide HIPAA Compliance Awareness to meet your team’s needs by submitting the form below.

When we moved to a fully remote workforce on short-notice we wanted to be certain that our employees had the skills to deal with new cyber security challenges. Click Armor’s Home Alone module proved to be an engaging and effective way to give our employees the skills they need to work safely from anywhere.
Norman Carr

President and CEO, TRM Technologies