This episode features my guest Nora Cox, a veteran information security and risk management consultant. Nora and I worked together as Product Managers at security software company Entrust many years ago. Her experience in Chief Risk Officer and Chief Compliance Officer roles makes her a great source of wisdom for businesses looking to develop a security culture.

Try the “CAN I BE PHISHED?” online self-assessment game to get a taste of how fun and effective gamified learning and assessment can be.

The Click Armor Phishing Checklist

In each episode, we’ll use our basic phishing checklist to analyze a different phishing message, so you can learn the clues about what to look for, to avoid becoming a victim. Here’s the basic Checklist:

1) Gut Feel Garbage

2) Sender Sanity

3) Link Elusiveness

4) Body Believability

The best way to use the checklist is to try to disqualify a message with each check. If you haven’t thrown out the message by the time you’re finished step 4, it’s not a guarantee that the message is safe. So, if you still aren’t sure, you should ask for help from an IT support person.

Special Guest for Episode #5: Nora Cox

After analyzing our phishing message for this episode, Nora helps me unbox a phishing message that pretends to be a voicemail notification with a link to download an audio file. What could go wrong?

Nora can be found at:

If you’d like to provide us with comments, or make suggestions on specific phishing attacks or scams that you think would be valuable to our audience, please submit a comment on our Contact page (HERE).