June 3, 2020
Microsoft tweet about excel phishing attack

What to do with a Microsoft document with Macros

June 3, 2020
Elvis impersonator

What to do with scams that impersonate your organization

There is one thing about phishing and social engineering scams against customers or external partners that impersonate your organization, which makes them impossible to detect with technology...
December 18, 2019

Why having backups may give you a false sense of security

Why attackers who infect your system may try double dipping if you don’t pay them. Another reason to avoid ransomware at all costs.

October 25, 2019

Case Study: Commercial Proposal and invoicing scam

There are many ways that weaknesses in a business process can be exploited by an attacker. This case study illustrates how a contractor was scammed by a fake pricing proposal with updated payment information.

May 27, 2019

How to lose most of your digital life, while you sleep

When hackers attempt to hijack your email account, there may be some clues that will tip you off. But with the right conditions, an attacker may be able to reset your email password and access many accounts you have access to. In this example, an engineer in San Francisco lost $100,000 in crypto currency this way.

October 30, 2018

How can employee phishing vulnerability be assessed?

Live phishing assessments and self-paced gamified phishing simulations are complementary methods for ensuring employee proficiency in spotting phishing attacks.
October 30, 2018

Big Data privacy issues employers need to know

Big Data is having a big impact in business, and its privacy implications can affect both companies and their employees.

October 30, 2018

The Internet of Things impact on cybersecurity

Did you know that many SMART devices that are part of the Internet of Things are built with weak passwords that can’t be changed? This is a dangerous product flaw, and cyber attackers are now hacking millions of unprotected devices that are exposed to the Internet.

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