Cyber stories for executives: Using the Guntrader data breach to help get executive buy-in for cyber security investment

Cyber stories for executives: Using the Guntrader data breach to help get executive buy-in for cyber security investment

TL:DR – Anyone trying to convince management (internally or externally) of the need to invest in cyber security must start by highlighting relevant examples of risk management failures that appeal to both their logical reasoning and their “croc brains” on the...
Three ways companies suffering breaches can reduce risks to their customers

Three ways companies suffering breaches can reduce risks to their customers

On March 1, 2021 I wrote a short article about a data breach most people have never heard of. The victim was a company called DriveSure, which provides software to car dealerships that aims to help with customer loyalty through intelligent use of service records and...
Case Study: Click Armor provided a 50% improvement in average end-user phishing awareness for one customer. How’s your phishing assessment doing?

Case Study: Click Armor provided a 50% improvement in average end-user phishing awareness for one customer. How’s your phishing assessment doing?

You may be happy with the results from your end-user phishing assessments. But how confident are you that users have actually improved their analytical skills? For that, you need meaningful baseline and final proficiency tests, not just a click-through rate on...