During my 10 years of experience in security awareness and compliance training, I’ve spoken to hundreds of customers and thousands of end-users. It can be pretty obvious when an awareness training program isn’t working or providing value, but it’s not so easy to figure out what to do about it.
Without end-user engagement, an awareness program is dead in the water
In general, every employee wants their organization to be secure. But if they hate their awareness training program, they won’t use it, and they won’t learn. A program that looks like it’s a cut and paste of policies will give them a feeling that it’s not important.
So even if you have an awareness training program in place that “covers the required content”, that doesn’t mean you should be happy with it, and customers may not be either. There is so much more to a successful awareness program than just content coverage.
It’s time to review your awareness training program’s value, not just its content
If your awareness training solution is causing more of a pain for you and your customers than it should, simply because people don’t like it, then you should be reviewing the larger program, and how it is delivered.
The first thing you can do is try a gamified platform to see if that changes end-users’ attitudes towards awareness training. This can take a week or two just to evaluate, but in the longer term you need to think about how you would add a new training platform to your services, or replace your existing one. This can take a little longer to prepare customers with messaging. It may seem inconvenient at the moment, and not a high priority right now, but it will likely be worth the effort.
Reasons to consider switching to gamified learning in your next
Many MSPs align their procurement of training programs with the end of the calendar year, which is coming fast. So, to justify reviewing your program before a renewal commitment, here are some angles you should be considering, which can contribute to your bottom line:
- Expanding into existing customers. Can you use your awareness training program to expand services into existing customers? If the current platform isn’t showing good adoption rates, then there’s little chance of this ever happening. But with a gamified platform, there is a renewed sense of interest, and you may be able to double or triple your penetration into existing customers.
- Attracting new customers. Can you attract new customers through an innovative approach that no other MSPs are using in your territory? Click Armor is relatively new, but built on 10 years of experience in security awareness training. The initial impact on prospects is usually, “Wow, this is something I’ve never seen before. And it makes so much sense for driving engagement.” It makes sense that if a prospects’ currently competing MSP isn’t using Click Armor, you have a reason for them to talk to you.
- Higher priced offerings. With an awareness training product that is measurably superior, because it provides you with solid data about end-users’ participation and proficiency, and drives faster adoption, you should be able to offer it at a premium price. But your cost is probably no more than what you were paying with a previous training vendor. That’s a big potential increase in your bottom line.
- Reduce frequency of security incidents. Click Armor does provide a measurable improvement in actual end-users’ resistance to attack, based on more engaging content and simulation exercises that really give them the skills to spot and avoid threats. This will save you and your customers through fewer incidents of ransomware and other loss events.
- Customer retention. You may not know it, but if your customer sees that your current training program is not effective, they may be looking around for a better solution themselves, without telling you. It’s time to check in with them and make sure they know about the latest insights on security awareness that you have, based on the hard data you’ll have from Click Armor. Why wait until the customer leaves for another MSP? Keep your valued customers on board, and show them you care about providing value. This loyalty initiative will help prevent lost customer accounts.
If you’d like to discuss how Click Armor can provide immediate value to you, as a service provider, by improving your customers’ experience and perception, please use the button below to book a call.
Click Armor helps businesses improve employees’ ability to spot phishing messages by 50%, and builds a stronger security culture. To find out how gamified learning and simulations can provide immediate results for your users, click the button below to book a call.