Guaranteed, effective and fun security awareness your employees will love

  • Get more participation in your security awareness training
  • Improve employees’ ability to spot cyberthreats
  • Build a strong security culture

The Click Armor Guarantee: We guarantee you’ll see a 60% reduction in your employees’ phishing vulnerability within 30 days, or we’ll refund your first license fee payment. Ask us about details.

Employees WANT TO KNOW how to work securely…

They just HATE boring, ineffective training.

Why not engage everyone with proven techniques?

When employees aren’t engaged they can’t help you defend your business

Unrecognized risks

Without engaging in security awareness training, exercises and guidance, employees can’t spot suspicious situations when they should

Unanalyzed threats

When threats appear, and employees may be suspicious, they won’t know how to properly assess whether they should ignore, report or take other actions.

Unreported incidents

Without the ability to spot and analyze threats, incidents will occur that will not be reported until it’s too late.

Phishing assessment

Are you sure you’re getting the best value from your phishing awareness tests?

Our Phishing Assessment Optimizer™ provides you with the essential rules for getting consistent team vulnerability data without causing employee backlash.

We help you avoid costly cyber attacks by engaging employees, not by provoking them

Engaging employees

How does gamified awareness training work?

Quickly test your cyber security awareness with a 3-minute email phishing simulation. Scammers are getting smarter, can you spot their emails?


The Click Armor platform’s gamification features make it easy, quick and fun for employees to be constantly engaged.

Click Armor services


If you need assistance in creating an engaging awareness program, or just making your current program more effective, we can help.

Assess staff vulnerability to phishing and social engineering

Build a team that defends itself against spear-phishing and other scams

Engage your employees with continuous, interactive challenges

Featured In

I have just completed the security awareness training. I think your e-learning/gaming platform is a lot of fun and a bit addictive. There is a competition going on in the office to see who can get the highest score, and I learned a lot along the way.

Jonathan Ruano

Business Analyst, Invest Ottawa

Click Armor’s immersive phishing awareness simulations represent a huge step forward in awareness training, with greater learning and engagement than traditional solutions.

Hawley Kane

VP, Organizational Development, 2Keys

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