Thanks for trying our phishing awareness simulation. Here’s what’s next!

Did you miss a question or two? Don’t feel bad. More than 90% of people that try this simulation make at least one mistake. Of course, when real scammers are involved, one mistake can lead to a major breech. That’s why we want to arm you and your organization against phishing, social engineering and a range of other attacks.

 Don’t forget to talk to your IT Manager (or whoever sent you your activation link) about your team’s results!


Get Click Armor’s Complete Gamified Cyber Security Awareness Training Program

Phishing and spear phishing threaten businesses of all sizes and industries and open the door to costly ransomware infections. But social engineering and other threats are also dangerous. That’s why we use gamified awareness that provides immersive, dynamic lessons and exercises.

It’s easy to tell employees to “be careful” about clicking links in suspicious email messages, but most employees don’t really know what that means.

Experience all the features and content of our fully gamified awareness courses while competing  against your peers. You will learn:

  • Why cyber threats are so important to your businesses
  • How to analyze email and other inquiries for suspicious elements
  • How to analyze hyperlinks and spot suspicious URLs
  • You will also practice with many simulated scenarios, like those you might see in real life

Get Started today!

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