Thanks for trying “Can I Be Phished?”

Doesn’t gamified learning and assessment seem like a better way?

Across thousands of individuals, we’ve measured the average employee’s PHISHING DEFENCE RESILIENCE™…

That’s a 50% improvement in ability to analyze potential phishing messages.

Now, why not take Click Armor for a full test-drive?

Phishing and spear phishing threaten businesses of all sizes and industries and open the door to costly ransomware infections. It’s easy to tell employees to “be careful” about clicking links in suspicious email messages, but most employees don’t really know what that means.

Experience all the features and content of our full platform and phishing awareness course while competing  against your peers. Your team will learn, in a more enjoyable way:

  • Why phishing is one of the most dangerous threats to businesses
  • How to analyze email senders and spot suspicious addresses
  • How to analyze hyperlinks and spot suspicious URLs
  • How to analyze subject lines and content to identify emotional triggers used by attackers
  • How to face a series of simulated messages like those you might see in real life, and decide which ones are suspicious, and need to be avoided

Want to learn more about our “One-link Gamified Phishing Assessments™?”

With a simple URL, you can run a much more powerful phishing awareness assessment than any other type of assessment you’ve seen before…

While you may be familiar with “live phishing assessments” or “mock phishing campaigns”, a gamified phishing assessment is a very different way to measure human vulnerability to phishing risks, without many of the disadvantages of sending live simulated phishing messages.

A gamified phishing assessment allows team members to test their skill at spotting suspicious or safe messages in a quick and fun way.

They are presented with a series of simulated messages to sort as safe or suspicious. They can be shown immediate feedback, or it can be done as a “blind” assessment that presents their results at the end of the series of messages.

Live phishing simulations are easy to deploy, but they are actually more difficult to administer in a way that provides actionable information about a team’s vulnerability to phishing.

  1. Employees are starting to rebel against being targeted with live phishing simulations, causing harm to the corporate culture. Gamified phishing assessments are a fun and positive way for employees to learn about their proficiency and areas for improvement.
  2. It is hard to get a proper trend analysis with an “apples to apples” comparison, especially when different message topics are used in each campaign. Gamified phishing assessments provide much more meaningful data.
  3. The “click through rate” is often treated as a sacred metric by management, when there are actually many variables that make this number unreliable. Gamified phishing assessments provide multiple perspectives on proficiency and vulnerability of a team.

A gamified phishing assessment is based on a consistent set of simulated phishing messages, where each one can exercise employees’ analytical skills, to provide a richer set of data about whether employees are actually careless, overly cautious or know exactly what to do to avoid phishing messages.

We have several options for you to try:

  1. Try our free Can I Be Phished?™ self-assessment (START NOW)
  2. Try our free, Can We Be Phished?™ gamified phishing assessment for your team (START NOW)
  3. Try a 7-day full Click Armor™ trial (START NOW)
  4. If you have content that you’d like to make more engaging, we’d love to talk to you about creating a custom, gamified course. (CONTACT US)

Why Click Armor?