Help secure your organization and advance your career by becoming a Cyber Security Champion

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Join Scott Wright for this recorded, informative webinar to celebrate
Cyber Security Awareness Month

Learn why it’s important for everyone to become a Cyber Security Champion, and discover the “Cyber Security Champion’s Career Roadmap” framework that will allow you to build your credibility as a cyber security authority, and help your organization become more secure.

 What you’ll get out of this unique webinar…

As cyber security becomes a bigger part of every job, you’ll need a focused plan to maximize your opportunities. Help secure your organization and advance your career by becoming a Cyber Security Champion. In this free webinar, you’ll learn how to follow the Cyber Security Champion’s Career Roadmap, developed by veteran security coach Scott Wright.

Here are some of the topics we’ll cover:

  • Why cyber will impact virtually every job you’ll have from now on
  • How to find the security issues relevant to your team’s success
  • How to use available tools to show leadership and unique value to your team
  • How to build the trust of managers in your organization as a security authority
  • How to accumulate valuable knowledge that will be useful in your future jobs

By attending this live event, as part of Cyber Security Awareness Month (CSAM) you will also learn how to assess and improve your team’s skills at spotting phishing messages for free, plus many references and tools you can use so you will be the “Go-To” for cyber security advice.

Recorded Webinar - Become a Cyber Security Champion

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