Guest appearance on The MSP Show: How gamification of cyber security awareness brings new value for MSPs
A few weeks ago I had Stuart Crawford from Ulistic MSP Marketing on as a guest in the “Can I Be Phished?” podcast, where we unboxed a phishing email that looked like an Amazon shipping confirmation. This time, I joined Stuart on The MSP Show, to discuss the benefits of using gamified cyber security awareness can bring new value for MSPs and their customers.
The MSP Show
If you’re an MSP and you haven’t heard of The MSP Show, you really need to subscribe to it. It’s an awesome way to hear MSP related stories that are timely and provide great perspectives on dealing with customers and leveraging new techniques.
His guests include MSPs with great stories of how they overcame challenges, as well as vendors with new solutions. I was lucky enough to convince Stuart to allow me to come on The MSP Show and present Click Armor as the first gamified learning platform for cyber security awareness training.
What we discussed in this episode
In the interview, I gave a brief background on why I am so passionate about cyber security awareness, and innovations like gamification.
We explored how using gamified phishing assessments make it easy to show immediate value for prospective customers, and also to use it as a baseline for showing the value of gamified training for longer term customers.
The opportunity to improve reputation and branding as an innovative provider is also something we discussed.
Stuart can be reached at Ulistic MSP Marketing via:
Try the “CAN I BE PHISHED?” online self-assessment game to get a taste of how fun and effective gamified learning and assessment can be.