Foundational Gamified Phishing Awareness Module

No more boring presentations and videos. Gamified learning delivers 80% greater engagement and knowledge retention than traditional approaches. Start a FREE TRIAL now to see how our gamified learning platform can provide immediate results for your team and clients.

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Employees Need Basic Phishing Awareness Training Before They Can Improve in Assessments

Phishing and spear phishing attacks threaten businesses of all sizes and industries and open the door to costly ransomware infections. It’s easy to tell employees to “be careful” about clicking links in suspicious messages but most employees don’t really know what that means, even after they have taken traditional security awareness training.

In this module you will learn...

Why phishing is one of the most dangerous threats to businesses

How to analyze email senders and spot suspicious

How to analyze hyperlinks and spot
suspicious URLs

How to analyze subject lines and content to identify emotional triggers used by attackers

Gamified Social Engineering Awareness Module

Social Engineering has become a major threat to organizations across all industries. Learn how to fight back today with dynamic, engaging and effective gamified training.

Social engineering scams are becoming a serious hazard to business data and finances. Click Armor’s unique social engineering module takes you through many of the most common types of dangerous personal interactions that people often don’t recognize until it’s too late.

In this module you will learn...

Why social engineering attacks are becoming a costly
problem for organizations

How attackers find information to use
against you

How attackers create believable situations to make
you trust them

How to take simple steps to avoid giving unauthorized
access or information

Why Click Armor?