January 28, 2021
Is gamification of phishing and social engineering awareness just a fad?

Is gamification of phishing and social engineering awareness just a fad?

January 22, 2021
why would I ever be targeted by a cyberattacker

Why would I ever be targeted by a cyberattacker?

September 2, 2020
Can I Be Phished - Episode 2

Can I Be Phished? Episode 2 – Unboxing an “Imminent Expiry” phishing message

August 16, 2020

The phone scam that should cause you to have reservations about your reservations

Caller ID is not a reliable method of authentication when scammers can spoof any number they like. People with reservations for High Tea at The Ritz discovered this as a result of an attack that exploited information about their reservations.
August 12, 2020
garmin ransomware

One ransomware infection impacted many operational services at Garmin

August 10, 2020

How did teenagers access Twitter’s user admin tools with a few hours of social engineering?

With the high profile social engineering hack of Twitter, it's a good time to review why employees are so vulnerable, and what can be done about it.
June 23, 2020
Episode 1 artwork

Announcing the “Can I Be Phished?” podcast – unboxing the most common attacks!

June 3, 2020
Elvis impersonator

What can be done about phishing and social engineering scams that impersonate your organization?

There is one thing about phishing and social engineering scams against customers or external partners that impersonate your organization, which makes them impossible to detect with technology...
March 1, 2020

How do attackers exploit our emotions through societal crises like the coronavirus outbreak

It is inevitable that cyberattackers will increasingly target the emotions of employees to get them to react without thinking about related risks. Continuous cybersecurity awareness is the best way to help staff prepare for those emotional situations, and improve resilience to attacks.

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