October 24, 2021
Phishing Assessment Optimizer

The Phishing Assessment Optimizer™ helps avoid frustrations, distractions, and PR nightmares

Most of us have either been on the giving or receiving end of a “phishing assessment” (also called phishing tests, mock phishing exercises, or phishing simulations).
October 16, 2021
anyone can become a cyber security champion

Your organization needs you to be a Cyber Security Champion

If you’re interested in cyber security in any way, you can easily become a Cyber Security Champion within your team, and you should. Wouldn’t it be
September 2, 2021
Selling security to the c-suite

Cyber stories for executives: Using the Guntrader data breach to help get executive buy-in for cyber security investment

September 27, 2020

“Home Alone”: Click Armor Launches Gamified Cyber Security Awareness Training for Remote Workforces

Solution helps remote workers protect business and personal information from attacks
August 26, 2020
social engineering example

Click Armor Announces Game-based Social Engineering Awareness Training

Solution helps organizations prevent social engineering attacks which can lead to costly data breaches
Why Click Armor?