
The interactive security training platform for Human Risk Management

Create more secure employee behavior…

        • Remediate the “clicker” problem, without annoying employees
        • Achieve better employee participation through engagement
        • Ensure more retention of knowledge for threats and risks
        • Build a more positive and inclusive security culture

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Employees learn in just three-minutes per week

The best and easiest way to understand the power of our interactive security awareness platform is to experience it. You’ll see how effective it is to use short, regular exercises to help employees practice and strengthen their skills.

Optimize your phishing simulations

It’s hard to get good value from a phishing simulation program if it is not optimized to minimize wasted time, generate meaningful data and avoid embarrassing and costly employee backlash.

Engage employees rather than shaming them.

Reduce end-user vulnerability.

Increase participation.


The Click Armor’s interactive platform and content features employ proven psychological drivers that make it easy, quick and fun for employees to be constantly engaged.


If you need assistance in creating an engaging awareness program, or just making your current program more effective, we can help.

Click Armor is proud to have been accepted as a member of Canada’s first cyber security startup accelerator.

Calian has been successfully using the Click Armor platform to heighten our corporate security awareness for the past 18 months. Keys to that success have been Click Armor’s gamification approach, the quality of the course content, and their willingness to tune the course material to make it more real for Calian employees.

Engagement and relevance keep the students interested and learning, and that makes them more knowledgeable and more ready to identify and react to security threats. Our objective was always to increase our corporate security readiness and Click Armor helps us do just that.

Before we started using Click Armor, it was always a struggle to keep our office staff educated on cyber security threats. But with this gamified approach over the past year, it’s been a “super-fantastic” experience to see people learning and talking about security threats. Click Armor has really helped improve our corporate culture and reduce our employees’ vulnerability. 

ClickArmor takes the mundane task of Security Awareness Training and make it fun and engaging.

Click Armor’s challenges really covered a lot of how attacks happen, in a nice quick session anyone could work through over their morning coffee or while waiting for a meeting to start. Excellent work!

I have just completed the security awareness training. I think your e-learning/gaming platform is a lot of fun and a bit addictive. There is a competition going on in the office to see who can get the highest score, and I learned a lot along the way.

The Click Armor gamified security awareness platform provides an engaging learning experience for our employees and generates metrics for our management team to be able to monitor the cyber security awareness improvements in our organization. Security awareness is a key security function in our information security management system, and Click Armor is an important part of its success.

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